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The Journey Home is an awesome show that has been on EWTN for  very long time, and still continues to produce engaging and inspirational shows featuring guests who have converted to the Catholic Church. We love it, and we wanted to show our appreciation by bringing you some of of the most unforgettable episodes. You can find more in the Coming Home Network’s Youtube page, or the EWTN Channel playlist.


1. Throwing it way back to, Patrick Madrid



2. The Coming Home Network’s own, Matt Swaim!!


3. Anti-porn speaker/ author/ apologist/ awesomest, Matt Fradd


4. The ever awesome, Patrick Coffin


5. Meme Queen and former Lutheran, Nicole DeMille


6. Pro-Life Advocate and Activist, Abby Johnson


7. President of Sophia Institute Press, Charlie McKinney


8. One of the best new apologists, Devin Rose, former atheist and baptist


9. Former Neo-Pagan (wut?), Dr. Brennan Pursell


10. Founder of ChurchPOP, Brantly Millegan


11. Jerusalem Jones, Steve Ray


12. Convert from Judaism, Rick Rosen


13. The awesome Atheist convert, Jennifer Fulwiler


14. The time Marcus interviewed – wait for it – his SON! The resemblance is uncanny.


15. The unforgettable, Dr. Scott Hahn


BONUS:  Author and gifted man from Word on Fire, Brandon Vogt

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