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A Family of Faith collection of parish-based family curriculum


Catechesis for the Whole Family

In the midst of various catechetical frameworks and platforms, catechesis is often centered on either solely the child (e.g., CCD) or solely the adult (e.g., RCIA). However, how often is catechesis focused on the WHOLE family? After all, as Pope Saint John Paul II reminded us in his 1981 apostolic exhortation Familiaris Consortio: On the Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World, the family “is the basic cell of society” (paragraph 46).


It’s Based on a Four-Year Cycle

Responding to this need to catechize the entire family, Sophia Institute Press is launching the new A Family of Faith initiative, geared toward bringing both parents and children to a greater embrace of the Catholic faith from multiple dimensions, in order to enrich other realms of society by extension. To quote the introduction on the website for A Family of Faith, “We created A Family of Faith to help develop strong Catholic families in which children learn the joys of following Jesus Christ and the truths of our Faith through the witness of Christian life given by their parents.” A Family of Faith runs on a four-year cycle, in which each yearly cycle (September through May) focuses on one of the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: 1) The Creed, 2) The Sacraments, 3) Life in Christ, and 4) Christian Prayer. A Family of Faith is designed to be well-organized, yet sufficiently flexible to accommodate for busy schedules. There is a guide for parents, an activity book for children, and a guide for leaders.


Endorsements and Testimonials from Many Leading Catholics

There are various testimonials and endorsements that have been offered for A Family of Faith, including by such prominent Catholic leaders as:

  • Scott Hahn
  • Mike Aquilina
  • Johnnette Benkovic
  • Patrick Madrid
  • Donna Marie Cooper O’Boyle
  • Sr. M. Johanna Paruch, FSGM, Ph.D.
  • Tim Staples


Learn More By Visiting the Website for A Family of Faith

Also on the website, you can read more about the broader process of family faith formation, how A Family of Faith specifically functions, what content the program features, positive feedback from parents, sample media, and answers to frequently asked questions. Visit the site to learn more, and you can even schedule a live tour!



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