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Saints are the super heroes of the Catholic Church, coming to the rescue with their intercessions, performing miracles, and giving their names to parishes and schools, so it can be hard to remember that they, too, were ordinary people living their lives for God. And while we might usually need to look up to someone who had great virtue even in times of trouble, sometimes we need to look up to someone who had great faith despite their shortcomings. After all, saints were fallen people, too. Here’s some relatable saints:


1. St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Although she barely lived a quarter of a century, St. Thérèse of Lisieux was a spiritual champion for the ordinary people, writing about how God loves the “little” people the best. Realizing that her vocation was love, she took joy in humbling herself to put others first.


2. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati would have fit in with many of today’s college students. An active member in many organizations, he was concerned about social justice, helping the poor, and politics, even enduring police violence during a Church-organized demonstration in Rome.


3. St. Augustine of Hippo

Despite growing up with a very devout mother in St. Monica, St. Augustine spent his youth drinking, partying, exploring pagan philosophies, and fathering a son out of wedlock. He eventually converted to Christianity and became a bishop but not before years of intellectual questioning to get him there.


4. St. Kateri Tekakwitha

Raised by her uncle after her family succumbed to smallpox, St. Kateri Tekakwitha grew up patient and a hard worker. At the age of 19, she converted to Catholicism and took a vow of chastity; however, spurned by her adoptive parents and neighbors, she left to join a community of Christian American Indians so that she could escape harmful rumors.


5. St. Peter

One of the Twelve Apostles, St. Peter was called by Christ to be the first pope, despite continually questioning Jesus. Yet he always saw himself as unworthy before the Lord, even choosing to die crucified upside down so as not to die in the same manner as Jesus.


6. St. Thomas More

st thomas more
St. Thomas More was a lawyer and civil servant under King Henry VIII and a family man who insisted his daughters get the same education as his son. Directly opposing the marriage of Henry VIII to Anne Boylen, More was eventually beheaded.


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