One of the chief cries of abortion-on-demand supporters has been that of bodily autonomy—“my body my choice!” The soundbyte goes something like this, “a woman should be free to decide what to do with her own body.” Setting aside the highly dubious hidden premise that one is free to do whatever they want with their own bodies, here we give ten reasons why the unborn cannot rightly be called a “part” of the mother’s body.
(Bear with me here…some of these require explanation but the truths are worth the investigation.)
1. Genetic Identity
Let’s start with the most basic observation. It is simply biologically false to say that the unborn is not an individual. In living things, the instructions for their physiological makeup are embedded within each of their cells. That is, the mother and unborn child are both genetically unique individuals. They each have their own DNA and genetic makeup that has never and will never be repeated. Even identical twins are not completely identical. Each has a unique code, due to epigenetic factors and the way DNA is transcribed and translated. I actually once heard a medical student (crudely) say, “if you think killing an embryo is killing an individual then you must think masturbation is genocide!” His point was that an embryo is no different than a gamete cell. Granted, this was a first year medical student and he may not have taken cell biology yet, but gametes and zygotes are entirely different kinds of cells. Gametes are not whole individuals. They are more like parts of the adult whence they came (see point #10 for more on parts and wholes). A gamete is a haploid cell, meaning it carries half the genetic code of its source (which is why you look a little like both of your parents). But a zygote, the new, single-celled organism that comes into existence after fertilization, is a diploid cell, meaning it has a full and unique genetic code. which is why you look a little like both your parents. Indeed, it always bugs me when people refer to a zygote or an embryo as a “fertilized egg”. It’s incredibly misleading. A fertilized egg is not an egg cell anymore. A zygote may be a single cell, but it’s an entirely new organism.
2. Sex
Because the genetic identity of the zygote is not that of the mother, the zygote can even be a different sex than the mother. Sexual identity is determined by the chromosome carried by the male gamete (sperm) in fertilization. Because it is haploid, the ovum always carries only one half a chromosomal identity, an X chromosome. If the sperm cell, also being haploid, also carries an X chromosome, the resulting zygote, being diploid, will have an XX chromosomal identity, making it female. If the sperm cell carries a Y chromosome, the resulting zygote will have an XY chromosome, making it male. Sexual identity, genetically speaking, is determined at fertilization.
Imagine for a moment that some other body part of a woman (say an ear) were discovered in a field somewhere. Stay with me here…To what extent would it be possible to trace the ear back to an individual? If the individual’s DNA profile were logged into a DNA database, it would be possible to match the ear to the individual it belonged to. Even if it were not possible to trace the ear back to the individual, because their DNA was not logged into a database, it would still be possible to identify whether the ear had previously belonged to a man or to a woman based on its chromosomal makeup. Now if the ear of the same woman’s male unborn (say at a gestational age of 34 weeks) was found in a field, the chromosomal makeup of the ear would not identify it as belonging to a female, but to a male. The mother of the unborn whose ear it was would actually be excluded from the potential individuals to whom the ear had belonged. This strange hypothetical scenario serves to illustrate that sexual identity extends to one’s body parts, such that even in the absence of a DNA profile match, the severed body part of a male unborn would not be identified as a part of its mother, while all parts of the mother would be. Thus, the unborn is not part of the mother.
3. Blood Type
Contrary to popular thought, the unborn does not share a circulatory system or blood with the mother. Oxygen is diffused through the placenta into the unborn’s bloodstream and circulated through its body and to its tissues and organs by its own heart. In fact, Rhesus disease occurs when a mother’s body actually recognises the presence of the unborn as a pathogen because of the difference in blood type and produces antibodies to attack it. Difference in blood type indicates that the unborn is an individual distinct from the mother and is therefore not a part of her.
4. Transitive Possession of Body Parts
If A is part of B and B is part of C, then necessarily, A must be part of C. This is called a transitive relation. The unborn is itself composed of parts. At eight weeks after conception, all the major organs we normally think of as body parts are present (even if not yet functioning). Now if the unborn has parts and the unborn is itself a part of the mother, then the parts of the unborn would have to be called parts of the mother. If A (unborn parts) is part of B (unborn) and B (unborn) is part of C (mother), then A (unborn parts) must be part of C (mother). But this leads to obvious absurdities. How many feet does a mother have at, say, 12 weeks gestation? Two or four? If we say that the unborn is a part of the mother then we would have to say four. We would also have to say that she has a penis, if she’s pregnant with a boy. But this is absurd. The only possibilities then are to deny the logical principle of the transitive relation or to deny that the unborn in a part of the mother. Logic suggests the latter.
5. Shifting Dependence
As evidence that the unborn is a part of the mother and not an individual, some will point to the fact that the unborn is dependent on the mother for nutrition and for survival. But “dependence” is a nebulous concept and is marked by degree. Every born person is dependent in some way on others, but they’re still individuals. There is no other case where one’s degree of dependence causes us to recognise them as a non-individual, so as a justification for abortion, dependence already seems to be a non sequitor. It’s true that the unborn depends on the mother for nutrition before birth (as it will after birth), but the way in which the unborn depends on the mother shifts depending on the unborn’s stage of development. In fact, very early in development, the embryo is nutritionally self-sufficient. The mother does not provide nutrition to the unborn prior to implantation in the uterine wall, and after implantation, the yolk sac provides nutrition and serves as a rudimentary circulatory system for the developing embryo for a short time.
The manner in which the unborn is fed is not all that different, in fact, than the way an infant—or a very elderly person—is fed. In both cases someone else obtains food, processes it such that the other person can receive it based on their stage of development, and transfers the food directly into them. In the case of an infant, the mother puts mashed food into his mouth. In an elderly person it may be done in a similar way or through a feeding tube. The umbilical cord and placenta (which are organs of the unborn, by the way) are the analogous to a long spoon or feeding tube and serve the same purpose.
If nutritional dependence means the unborn is a part of the mother or is not an individual, then this would mean that the unborn shifts from being an individual (prior to relying on the mother for nutrition) to not being an individual (after it does rely on the mother for nutrition) and then back to being an individual (at some point after birth, presumably…teenager?), which is absurd. Hence, the unborn is not a part of the mother.
6. Meaning of individual as self-contained whole
The unborn may be small (like many of us) and in varying ways dependent on the mother (like many of us), but this doesn’t take away from the fact that even the zygote, that single-celled new little individual, is in fact a whole individual. There is a tendency to think of the unborn as not whole individuals because they are in an early and rapid stage of development. But living things are not constructed the way inanimate objects are. For example, a carpenter builds a chair by assembling its parts—legs, seat, back, etc. It’s not really a chair until it has all the essential parts. But living organisms are not constructed, they develop. A single-celled zygote may not have all the parts it may later come to develop, but it is nonetheless a complete organism. It has all the parts it needs at that particular stage of its development. It is whole from the time it comes into existence, which biologically speaking is at conception. Its life cycle and processes unfold according to its own internal plan and operations. The mother’s body does not construct the unborn, rather, the unborn self-develops with the mother’s assistance. Just as infant, toddler, adolescent, and adult human individuals develop with assistance from one another and from the world around them. The unborn is whole and therefore not a part of the mother.
7. Place does not equal part
It may seem obvious to say that the unborn is a part of the mother, since the child is actually inside the mother and is physically connected to her body. This does not make the unborn “part” of her though. Let’s consider the fact that the unborn is inside the mother first. Does x being inside y make x a part of y? It that’s the case, then you are a “part” of your car when you sit inside of it. Or consider a single brick in a wall. What makes this brick a part of this wall? Is it merely place? Is it not rather, that the brick contributes to the wholeness of the wall and to its function? Furniture in a house is not part of the house (except in a metaphorical sense).
What about physical connectedness? Is x a part of y because they are physically connected? Consider the wall again. Posters and graffiti may be “connected” to the wall, but we wouldn’t say that they constitute the wall’s parts. Human beings are connected to different things all the time for myriad reasons (clothes, jewellery, cell phones, other human beings) and even for reasons of dependence. This doesn’t mean those things become “part” of us. So physical connectedness does not make the unborn part of the mother.
8. Wholeness of a non-pregnant Woman
How do parts come to be present in adult individuals? Organs develop, either prenatally or postnatally. At eight weeks gestational age, all major organs are formed, though they may not all function by this point. Consider what this would mean if the unborn were a “part” of a woman’s body. If the unborn were a part of a woman’s body, there would be two natural ways for the woman to develop this “part”. One possibility would be for her to be born pregnant, as women are born with other prenatally developed body parts, such as limbs, a brain, sex organs, lungs, a stomach, etc. Women are not born pregnant, and no one expects them to be. Women are born with certain organs or bodily parts which developed prenatally. The woman functions in a state of health without the presence of the unborn, so the unborn is not a “part” at any point prenatally.
Another way we come to have organs or parts is to develop them postnatally. They may be structurally present but not active, as in the case of a woman’s ovaries. They are present prenatally but do not begin to function until a postnatal stage of develop. But women do not “develop” the unborn, nor is the unborn present at birth in a nascent way, only to become active later in life. Some women never become pregnant. Generally speaking, if the potential exists for a woman to never develop something we might call a “part” of her, can it be said to be truly a “part” of her? Would this not mean that women were born “deformed”, that is, missing “parts”? Clearly we do not speak of non-pregnant women as lacking something essential to womanhood or to her bodily integrity. A non-pregnant woman is not missing any of her organs or parts. And since we do not speak thus, the unborn cannot be said to be a part of the woman whenever it is present. This might be called the argument from the non-privation of a non-pregnant woman. A non-pregnant woman is not missing anything even if she never becomes pregnant. If the unborn were a part of a woman, non-pregnant women would have to be called “de-formed”, which is absurd.
9. Argument from the Social Relationship Between Mother and Unborn
One of the most exciting aspects of being an expectant parent is developing a social relationship with the unborn while still in utero. Parents talk to and about their unborn child. They (may) name their unborn child. They may even play with their child, for example poking or tapping a little elbow sticking out of the mother’s belly. No one names, plays with, or sings songs to their body parts, at least not seriously. There is also ample evidence to indicate that there is a tremendous amount of social learning that occurs before a child is even born. Interactions between twins are especially interesting (and cute). The parent-child relationship exists before the child is even born precisely because child is an individual and only individuals can be social with one another. This reality is exactly the reason abortion providers want to avoid mothers seeing ultrasounds, naming their babies, or even referring to their unborn as “he” or “she”. So the unborn is an individual and not a part of the mother.
10. Meaning of Part to Whole–Mother as Part of the Unborn
The argument that the unborn is part of the mother suffers from a misunderstanding of what it means to be “part” of something. The essential element in the relationship of part to whole is not place, size, or even connectedness, but that the part exists and functions for the sake of the whole. Parts of things don’t explain themselves. They are not their own thing. They make sense only with reference to the whole they are a part of. For example, the wheel on a car does not explain itself. It is itself (if we can even speak that way) only when it is purposed toward the functioning of the whole car. In an individual being composed of parts, the nature of the parts is that they serve the whole. We can easily see then why the heart or lungs are parts of an individual by reference to what they contribute to the whole individual.
But the unborn does not contribute to the whole functioning of the mother. True, pregnancy does provide some hormonal and physiological benefits to the mother, but these usually last only through pregnancy and seem to actually be for the benefit of the unborn and to the benefit of the mother only secondarily. The unborn contributes nothing substantial to the mother’s whole functioning. In fact (and this is amazing, when you think about it), while neither mother nor unborn are parts of the other, it is more correct to say that the mother is a part of the unborn. The effects of pregnancy on the body of the mother seem more so directed to the functioning and development of the unborn than the mother. The changes a mother’s body undergoes throughout pregnancy—and even after—are the result of the mother’s body having turned itself into an extension…a part, so to speak, of the unborn, for the unborn’s flourishing. Even more amazing is the fact that whole organs of the mother exist for no other purpose than the functioning and development of the unborn, such as the uterus and breasts. The mother’s body behaves more like a whole part of the unborn rather than the reverse. Thus, the unborn cannot be said to be a part of the mother without completely misunderstanding the very nature of the part-to-whole relationship.
An Important Note
All of what has been said here is simply to refute the biologically false slogan that the unborn is part of a woman’s body and that she therefore has the right to dispose of it (the hidden premise, that one is free morally to do whatever they wish with their own body, is also false, by the way). It in no way diminishes or reduces the dignity of the mother-child relationship to observe that both are unique individuals. The most amazing thing I have ever witnessed and been a part of has been seeing my wife become pregnant and give birth to our two boys. Not to mention everything else she does for us three hooligans. Motherhood is freaking amazing. Catholic comedian Jim Gaffigan put it best:
“But truly, women are amazing. Think about it this way: a woman can grow a baby inside her body. Then a woman can deliver the baby through her body. Then, by some miracle, a woman can feed a baby with her body. When you compare that to a male’s contribution to life, it’s kind of embarrassing, really. The father is always like, “Hey, I helped, too. For like five seconds. Doing the one thing I think about twenty-four hours a day. Well, enjoy your morning sickness—I’m going to eat this chili. Mmmm, smell those onions.”
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OK Ryan–if the fetus isn’t part of the woman’s body than the CC shouldn’t have any problems “test tube babies” surrogacy or cloning. Since you’ve shown the mother is nothing more than the incubator to independent life.
Hi cminca. I honestly have no idea what you mean or how you would arrive at that conclusion. Can you elaborate? And can we dispense with the snark and have a nice conversation, please? “nothing more than an incubator”. Nope.
The whole thrust of this article is that the fetus is an independent entity separate from the carruer.
In fact, the following sentence subjugates the “mother” as nothing but an extension of the unborn:
” In fact (and this is amazing, when you think about it), while neither mother nor unborn are parts of the other, it is more correct to say that the mother is a part of the unborn. The effects of pregnancy on the body of the mother seem more so directed to the functioning and development of the unborn than the mother.”
Instead of addressing HOW I said something please address the actual premise of my remark–since, according to the argument made in the OP, the fetus is actually independent from the “carrier” (much as a parasite or virus is independent from its host) how could the CC object to IV, surrogacy, or cloning?
The idea that these are somehow “immoral” is inconsistent with position that the fetus is actually independent from the host–the incubator.
“The whole thrust of this article is that the fetus is an independent entity separate from the carruer. In fact, the following sentence subjugates the “mother” as nothing but an extension of the unborn:”
I never said the mother was “nothing but” anything. Did you read the last paragraph? Mothers are amazing and the mother-child relationship is especially special. The article is a response to the claim that the unborn is a part of a woman, which is false. The point about certain organs of the mother existing for the unborn (or born, if we consider the breasts) is meant to show that the mother’s body is ordered toward caring for the unborn.
“Instead of addressing HOW I said something…”
cminca, I do think how we talk to each other is important.
“…(much as a parasite or virus is independent from its host)…”
I apologize for asking this (sometimes it’s hard to tell in text-only conversations)…are you trying to be sarcastic by comparing the unborn with a parasite? It seems like using language like that to describe the unborn is only meant to devalue it so as to justify killing it.
“…how could the CC object to IV, surrogacy, or cloning? The idea that these are somehow “immoral” is inconsistent with position that the fetus is actually independent from the host–the incubator.”
I would object to referring to a mother as an “incubator” (again, that seems like language meant to devalue the mother-unborn relationship so as to justify killing the unborn). But this is where I’m struggling to understand what you’re asking exactly. It doesn’t follow at all that because the unborn is an individual that IVF et al are automatically right and just. Can you help me make the connection? The reasons the Church teaches IVF, surrogacy, and cloning are immoral are not the same as the reasons direct abortion is immoral. Although, IVF DOES generally destroy embryonic human beings, so in that way it’s immoral for the same reason.
The short answer is that a child is a subject, not an object and thus no one has a right to a child. IVF, surrogacy (which sometimes uses IVF), and cloning all treat the human person as an object of manipulation, as a “product” rather than with the dignity proper to them as an individual person. A new human being should come into the world through the reciprocal love between spouses, not in a lab through a technological process. Not all reproductive technologies are immoral, but those that separate procreation from sexual intercourse between spouses are, as are those that destroy human life (like IVF). If you’d like to read a more substantive explanation, read Donum Vitae and Dignitas Personae:
Ryan–the sentence I referred to subjugates the mother to an extension of the unborn. You basically say that the mother is part of the unborn rather than the argument that the fetus is part of the mother.
I stand by my reading of it. If that was not the intended reading, or if somewhere later in the OP you state a mutually exclusive position to be simultaneously true that is a problem with the consistency of your writing and/or your position, not my reading of it.
As for my parasite or virus analogy–you are claiming that the fetus is an entity separate from the host. That is exactly the same as the relationship between a parasite virus and its host. It is living organisms taking up residency within a body but both are separate living entities. The parasite or virus is an organism feeding on the body of another. Without the host the parasite or the virus no longer lives. Same as a fetus. The fact that the word “parasite” may have a negative connotation is immaterial. .
So what would you think if PETA declared that the US government should constitutionally ban treating for intestinal parasites because, according to PETA’s morality, this would amount to murder? Would you think that the rest of us should automatically be held to PETA’s moral positions?
“A new human being should come into the world through the reciprocal love between spouses, not in a lab through a technological process.” The logical extension of that statement is that the children of unmarried parents, of rape, or of incest are of less value than other children. (“should”, as a word, implies value). Is it your position that those fetus are of less value than the fetus of those of “loving spouses?”
If a woman is sold into marriage by her parents and does not “love” her spouse are the children of lesser value? If it is a non-Christian marriage should that make a difference?
(And, out of curiosity–a couple that has tried and failed numerous times to conceive spends time, effort, and large amounts of cash in order to have a baby by IVF–you think this is somehow less “loving” than two drunks who meet and get married in Vegas and then conceive in a drunken, lustful stupor? That that second child is somehow more deserving to be conceived than the couple that undergoes invasive and expensive medical procedures in order to bring a child into a loving, stable environment?)
“The short answer is that a child is a subject, not an object and thus no one has a right to a child.” Correct–not even to the child. No one has a “right” to be born.
cminca, Thank you for your thorough response. I also said, “neither mother nor unborn are parts of the other” and “so to speak”. Certain of the mother’s body parts exist for her children, but both are individuals. Neither one “subjugates” the other. I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make here.
Concerning the virus/parasite-host language. I can’t believe you’re serious here. I have to assume you want to use this language in order to devalue the unborn and justify killing it. No biologist would classify an unborn human person as a parasite. A mother-child relationship is not at all the same. The unborn does not “feed off of” the mother in the same way a parasite feeds off of its host. The latter is to the detriment of the host, whereas in a mother and her offspring, her body is ordered toward transferring nutrition to her unborn. The fact that the unborn is in the mother’s body and a parasite is also sometimes in a hosts body does not mean an unborn child is a parasite. I’m not even going to entertain this argument any further because it’s absurd, frankly. I’m guessing this is also behind your deliberate use of “fetus”?
Your PETA analogy assumes the unborn is analogous to a parasite, but to answer briefly…if someone wanted to introduce a law against killing a particular organism, we would have to ask, “what IS the organism”. Imagine someone came up behind you and asked, “can I kill this?” The first thing you would ask would be, “what is it?” Some responses might elicit a “yes” from you (a cockroach, a spider, etc.) while some would not (your little brother). If the unborn is a human being (which it is) then you have to give a reason why it is acceptable to kill some humans and not others. A stomach parasite is a parasite. It has no natural relationship to the mother (“natural” meaning “in accord with the nature of”). I am against killing all innocent human beings.
“(“should”, as a word, implies value). Is it your position that those fetus are of less value than the fetus of those of “loving spouses?””
It does not. it implies moral obligation. Every human person has the same value and dignity (I even think they’re the Image and Likeness of God–though I know you don’t), regardless of the manner in which they were conceived. That doesn’t mean that every means of generating human life is moral.
“If a woman is sold into marriage by her parents and does not “love” her spouse are the children of lesser value?”
“If it is a non-Christian marriage should that make a difference?”
“(And, out of curiosity–a couple that has tried and failed numerous times to conceive spends time, effort, and large amounts of cash in order to have a baby by IVF–you think this is somehow less “loving” than two drunks who meet and get married in Vegas and then conceive in a drunken, lustful stupor? That that second child is somehow more deserving to be conceived than the couple that undergoes invasive and expensive medical procedures in order to bring a child into a loving, stable environment?)”
No. Both are contrary to the dignity due a new human person and the love of spouses.
“Correct–not even to the child. No one has a “right” to be born.”
I agree…sort of! Wow! Life is a gift that no one earns by doing anything or achieving a certain stage of development or IQ, etc. What everyone does have though is the right to not be killed unjustly, which is what abortion does.
Did you read those documents? They’re great!
“The fact that the unborn is in the mother’s body and a parasite is also sometimes in a hosts body does not mean an unborn child is a parasite. I’m not even going to entertain this argument any further because it’s absurd, frankly. ”
It is absurd. As absurd as your position that the fetus is independent from the mother.
“No. Both are contrary to the dignity due a new human person and the love of spouses.”
A philosophical position that puts you at odds with the CC. The position of the CC would be that the IVF conception was immoral and that the drunk couple in Vegas was a completely moral–even sanctioned–act of 2 married heterosexuals conceiving a “baby”. (And if you are going to argue that the CC would NOT consider the second a completely moral act then I would argue back that the CC was being inconsistent. Which, of course, would hardly be news.)
“What everyone does have though is the right to not be killed unjustly….,
That assumes the fetus is a person. Legally–it isn’t.
I’ve given 10 reasons–all scientific and logical, none religious–for why the unborn is an individual human being. You’ve not refuted any of them. And no, what you’ve stated is incorrect. Your understanding of the moral teaching of the CC is deeply misinformed. The unborn are protected by law in 34 states (except from abortion).
As I’ve said before, I am interested in a conversation, a sharing of ideas and a reasonable exchange. I’m not sure why you have such animus toward the Church and toward Christians. I sincerely hope you overcome it. Peace.
And I’ll give you one reason that trumps all of yours–
The fetus isn’t viable until a certain point. Up to that point it is FULLY DEPENDANT upon the mother to breath, to eat, and to be protected.
Up to that point it is the right of the mother to determine what happens to her body and the fetus that is fully dependent upon it.
(And as I’ve said before–I’m sure you are interested in conversation–as long as it agrees with your/the CC’s point of view.)
I always used this “dependent” argument until I realized it doesn’t work. When a child is born, at what age does it quit becoming “dependent” on another human to take care of its physiological well-being? I can tell you a three year old cannot dress, feed, scavenge, and wash themself properly. M Three year old certainly wouldn’t survive without us. Based on your argument, that caregiver should have the decision to “determine what happens to” it, right? So, a mother or father can choose to ‘cut losses’?
Other than that, cminca, it really like you’re not even reading Ryan’s replies.
A child of three can breath on its own. It is independent of the mother. End of the discussion.
I find it more telling that Catholics seem to care a lot less about what happens to the child after it is born than they do as a fetus.
If you want to limit abortion than do that which limits unwanted pregnancy–which is PROVEN to be comprehensive sex education and easy access to cheap birth control. Are you or the CC doing this? No. You claim you want to limit abortion but what this is really about is limiting behavior based on your “morality”.
And I would say that Ryan doesn’t read or purposely misunderstands my comments.
You want a website filled with happy clappy people all telling each other how morally superior they are. Sorry if I rained on your parade.
The body autonomy argument is not that the fetus is a part of the mother s body.The body autonomy is about the fact that the fetus does not have the right to use the body of the woman as life -support.
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