10 Ways Bishop Barron Bosses at Evangelization – EpicPew

10 Ways Bishop Barron Bosses at Evangelization

Now that Father Robert Barron is Bishop Robert Barrron, let’s review this list again…

1. Word on Fire


Word on Fire serves as a global media ministry with dozens of formats including DVDs, study programs, videos, homilies, and books. Fr. Barron founded this ministry and assures us he plans to continue Word on Fire in his new role as bishop.


2. @FrRobertBarron and Facebook

barron's twitter

According to his biography, “Next to Pope Francis, Bishop-elect Barron is the most-followed Catholic leader on social media” with over 73,000 followers on Twitter. His Facebook is followed by over 575,000 people!


3. His Youtube channel

Fr. Barron has produced over 400 video commentaries and has no plans of stopping. He typically produces a new video at least once a week made complete with snazzy intro music.


4. His willingness to tackle sensitive topics

Fr. Barron tackles tough topics often relevant to current events and has over 600,000 subscribers. He responds to Laudato Si’ with a discussion on Catholic Social Teaching, the SCOTUS ruling on marriage, and ISIS.


5. The “Catholicism” series

Catholicism series

Fr. Barron hosts the “Catholicism” series which couples with various support materials like study books and programs to bring to your parish. It’s a beautifully made summary of the Catholic faith.  You’ve gotta see this.  It’s a wonderful evangelization tool, as well.  Download posters to advertise at your parish!


6. His media connections

Fr. Barron makes his rounds in the media and frequently appears on mainstream news networks and Catholic media. His biography describes his work “with NBC News in New York as an on-air contributor and analyst”. He also frequently appears as a “commentator for the Chicago Tribune, FOX News, CNN, EWTN, Our Sunday Visitor, the Catholic Herald in London, and Catholic News Agency”.


7. His engaging speaking engagements


Here is Fr. Barron rocking at a speaking engagement with Duke University. The video description says he tackles the questions, “What IS faith exactly? Does faith stand the test of scientific advancements? Where does philosophy fit into Catholic theology? What about morality?” Want Fr. Barron to come speak to your group? You can find the contact information here.


8. Word on Fire T-shirts

As if listening, watching, and reading material from the Word on Fire ministry was not enough – you can even wear it!


9. Fr. Barron’s Books

Fr. Barron has written 12 books in addition to his many essays and reflections and also is an Amazon #1 Best Seller. Congratulations, Fr. Barron!


10. Daily Reflections

english spanish

Sorry, folks. This one is only during Lent and Advent. According to his biography, over 250,000 people receive these reflections and they are available in both English and Spanish. Check back again this advent!