June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but did you know that there are a bunch of other unheard of saints that are honored this month as well? Here are eleven random saints and all the details currently known about them. Most don’t have photos or paintings because, well, it doesn’t seem like they did that back in the early days.
1. St. Sanctinus
Born in France, but was sold into slavery as a child. He served as a palace guard until he was martyred in 851 for professing his Christian faith and refusing to embrace Islam. Feast day is June 5th.
2. St. Amantius

Bishop and martyr who served in Cannes, France. It is recorded that he was martyred along with three of his brothers. Feast day is June 6th.
3. St. Edgar the Peaceful

English king who lead a religious revival in England. St Edgar is venerated at Glastonbury and died in 975. Feast day is June 8th.
4. St. Ephrem

Born in Mesopotamia, he was known as a poet and left a vast amount of writings that inspired the Church at the time. One of his most well known lines is: “I was born in the way of truth: though my childhood was unaware of the greatness of the benefit, I knew it when trial came.” Feast day is June 9th.
5. St. Gezelin
A German hermit honored in Cologne. Feast day is June 10th.
6. St. Olympius
A Bishop who was dedicated to arguing against the heresy of Arianism, and stanch defender of St. Athanasius. Feast day is June 12th.
7. St. Alice
Patroness of the blind and the paralyzed, Alice entered a Cistercian monastery at a young age but then contracted leprosy and had to be isolated. She died in 1250 and devotion to her was approved by Pope Pius X in 1907. Feast day is June 15th.
8. St. Juliana Falconieri

St. Juliana is the patroness of bodily ills, sick people, and sickness. She is considered to be one of the founders of the Servite nuns, along with her uncle Alexis. The Servites are dedicated to prayer and good works. Feast day is June 19th.
9. St. Libert
Bishop of Cambrai, France in 1054, who after a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, built the church and monastery of the Holy Sepulcher. After that, he was exiled and persecuted. Feast day is June 23rd.
10. St. Salvius
A Benedictine bishop and missionary who served in France. On a mission in 768, he was murdered and his body was buried and later found. Feast day is June 26th.
11. St. Theodichildis
St. Theodichildis, also known as Telchildis, was the first Benedictine abbess at the house in Jouarre, Meaux, France. She died in 660. Feast day is June 28th.