Lies have been around since the beginning of time. The only truth about lies is they are never true. And as timeless as lies have become, there are ways that lies can be hidden into our modern times. Anthony Esolen sets out to uncover where these lies are in The Lies of Our Time. In the ways our society, government, schools and communities are set on removing God from our lives, we must be remain awake and be aware of how these lies creep and infect our daily interactions. We need to learn how to react and reveal the truth without losing ourselves and families. Let’s see if we can find the truth in this list:
There is no God
There is no moral truth
Human nature doesn’t exist
God is Love
Did you find the truth? I know in this confusing world it can be difficult, but let’s see if by the process of elimination if we can figure it out.
If there is no God, then its not a stretch to say there are no morals, because who decides what is moral or not. We could then just live by something like “be kind” or common law, but that isn’t always moral, as we know. It’s then easy to justify doing something evil because of the circumstances…leading to utilitarianism. Ugh. Let’s scratch that off the list…
There is no God
The question of what is moral or not has been around forever. The new arguments are He’s just another fairy tale or like the Greek gods who were false. But unlike Zeus and the other gods, our God has no bounds. He is “the absolute Being, omnipotent, omniscient, beyond time in His eternity, existing necessarily and not by contingency, the fount and origin of all existent things, lacking none of the perfections we attribute by analogy and ina shadowy way to those existent things.” So, nope not this one…
There is no moral truth
What is human nature? Dogs act like dogs, cats act like cats. Birds fly and chirp joyfully. None of them learned how to do that, it is just in their nature. So, it is not far fetched to assume humans also have their own human nature. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, a smile means happy and frown or tears means sad. Humans in the same area will have a common language, will work as a society to care for one another, will use the same tools to do similar work. It is unnatural to go against human nature; If you force a left handed person to only use their right hand, they will always feel off balance. It is against how they were created. We have an innate nature so that our lives are ordered, and when others tell us to go against that nature, there is friction. Well then, I guess not this one either…
Human nature doesn’t exist
God created us out of love. He created us because He loved us. He wants to walk among us which is why He did in the Garden of Eden and by sending Jesus to save us from our sinful nature. He sent us the Holy Spirit to dwell in us and among us.
God is Love.

Thanks for playing my little game! It was a lot of fun to determine what the lies are, why they are lies and what is the truth. You can continue to decern more of these lies and how to counter them by reading The Lies of Our Time by Anthony Esolen. He gives us eight lies and how to recognize when they are presented in new “modern” ways and how to bring it back to the truth.