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Dr. Carrie Gress searched high and low for a book or resource that made Marian consecration accessible for little kids. “I assumed I would have a lot to choose from, but was astounded to find very little,” she remembers. Finally, exasperated, she turned to a priest to see if he had any book suggestions.

“There isn’t one,” her priest friend quickly replied. “You should write it.”

Upon hearing his suggestion, Dr. Gress didn’t quite know if she was ready to undertake that kind of project. After all, she was a priest. She didn’t have a vocation in the religious life, and she didn’t study theology.

But one year later, she found herself writing a book for adults on Mary and her role in the world.

During her research for The Marian Option, something happened. Mary became a real person in Dr. Carrie’s life. “In discovering and writing about the many ways she assists us in the world, I began to see her not as some distant spiritual figure but as a doting mother who cares about the well being of her children and will do everything within her power to protect us,” she explained.

The world today can leave parents daunted in the task of parenthood. Who better to entrust our children to then the Blessed Mother? Marian consecration is not just for adults – and history shows plenty of examples of little children and their Marian devotion.

Here are three quick reasons why you should introduce your children (or nieces, nephews, and godchildren!) to Marian consecration. Looking for a great new resource that presents Marian consecration using stories and concepts that children are familiar with? Check out Marian Consecration for Children: Bringing Mary to Life in Young Hearts and Minds. 



1. Because the future of the world is uncertain

It only takes a quick look at news headlines and social media to feel pretty helpless when it comes to raising littles in today’s culture.

Marian consecration is a way to give your children a channel through which they can connect with the Blessed Mother. We tend to think of Marian consecration as something for adults – and believe me, Saint Louis de Montfort’s writing isn’t meant for kindergartners (I struggled with it as an adult at some points!). But we’re never to old or to young to learn more about the Blessed Mother.

While the world offers an uncertain future, Mary offers maternal comfort and consolation.

2. Christ asks for little children to come to Him

“History is full of child saints and children to whom Mary has appeared with special messages for the world,” Dr. Gress explains “This is no accident. These children were chosen because of their deep humility and trust. Children have a special place in salvation history because of their docility and earnest love for God. Just because they’re children doesn’t mean that they are childish. Many child saints have displayed profound spiritual maturity, particularly in the face of great suffering and struggle.”

Not only does Christ ask for the little children to come to Him in scripture, many saints in recent years have fostered a devotion to the Lord and His mother at young ages. Recently, the Church celebrated the 100th year anniversary of Our Lady’s appearance at Fatima. That apparition was seen by three children – all of whom the world dismissed as young and immature. But Our Lady appeared to the Fatima children intentionally. Introducing kids in your life to the Blessed Mother allows them to get to know their Heavenly Mother at a young age.

3. Little kids have incredible spiritual potential

In the midst of changing diapers and making carpool runs, we can forget that children have an interior life, as well. “We can sometimes forget the spiritual potential for children, but we must remember that our job is to help them come to know Jesus and his mother, because they cannot love what they do not know,” Dr. Gress says. “Maria Montessori’s approach recognized that the child’s soul is asking for one thing: ‘Help me to come closer to God by myself.'”

We cannot force children in our care or in our lives to know, love, and serve God. But we can create an environment where they can encounter the Lord and the Blessed Mother.

When we do create that environment and invite children into a friendship with Christ and His Mother, we’ll be blown away by their simple, beautiful insight. In fact, we may find that we learn from them instead of the other way around. “Their fresh eyes can see God in the world in remarkable and beautiful ways,” Dr. Gress commented. “Today many adults are blind when it comes to this type of vision, and yet our world needs it more than ever. We need to see the roles that God and His mother can play in our everyday lives.”

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