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So, you’re halfway through Lent. How’s it going? Maybe it went, ahem, fast or maybe you are ready for Easter. We are three weeks in, so that puts us at just about halfway through this season. There is nothing wrong with taking stock of where one is and determining the next best course of action. I think C.S. Lewis makes a comparison between the intellectual/spiritual life and a road trip when he talks about the need, sometimes, to turn around in order to get where you really want to go. 

In our zeal, which is a perfectly good motivation, we have a tendency to take on a few too many penances or spiritual practices as we prepare for Lent. Then, Lent kicks in and maybe drags us down a little until we have lost that enthusiasm as we struggle, maybe even fail once or twice. It is tempting to give up. Stay strong! This is when we can open up ourselves most to God’s grace. When we are feeling spiritually weak and tempted, it is when our spiritual muscles are being used. Call God for his grace. Lent was never a time to prove how strong we were, but a time to prove how much we need God. 

Okay, now that you have reassessed a little, how about you get your Lent back on track? Here are 3 simple steps to get your Lent back on track and help you have a spiritually fulfilling rest of your Lent, even if the first half has not gone as planned (or even if it has):

  1. Don’t drop what you’ve taken up, but simplify if needed. They are your sacrifices, you can adjust them if you need to, or build up throughout the week. It is not “cheating” and if you are still growing, even incrementally, that is still good. You said you’d pray an hour a week of adoration, make it a half hour or split the hour over two/three days. Fast every other day or Wednesdays (for when Judas betrayed Jesus), Fridays (for when Jesus died on the Cross) and Saturdays (for when Jesus is buried in the tomb). Reading all the Gospels? Just read the daily Mass Gospel (see more below).
  2. Go to Confession. Maybe you already have once this Lent. Great! You can go again (unless it was just, like yesterday, though maybe you need to again, I don’t know). Most parishes offer extended times and priests expect people to make appointments during this season. There is the great Mass Times website, which includes confession times listed with most parishes as well, that you can use anytime, anywhere. Don’t miss out on the sanctifying grace and reconciliation with Christ and His Church!
  3. Listen to the Mass readings on your phone. Maybe you already had “read the Bible more” as part of your plan. This makes it simple, attainable and daily. You have great resources available, including the daily readings podcast from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. You can play it right from your phone on a morning commute to the office or even the walk from the car into the office. Want to go a little further? Couple the daily readings with a short homily from the National Shrine. This will help connect the daily readings together, to the Catholic faith as a whole, and to your daily life.

Lent is not done and there are still many opportunities to open ourselves up to the great flood of God’s grace that comes from Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday and the entire Easter season. Don’t forget these 3 simple steps to get your Lent back on track. Let’s use the time God has given us!

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