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Our faith needs to be nourished whether through prayer, friendship, or edification. Here are eight podcasts that can feed your soul.

St. Josemaria Institute Podcast

St. Josemaria Institute Podcast

Sometimes our soul needs a mini-retreat in the midst of a chaotic week. This podcasts shares meditations by priests in the spirit of St. Josemaria on a variety of topics to help you grow in your interior life. There’s lots here to mull over and pray with as you listen.

The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

The Bible is, of course, a great source for nourishing our faith. “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ” as St. Jerome once said. In The Bible in a Year, Fr. Mike Schmitz offers reflections on Scripture and will read the relevant passages for you. No outside reading required.

What God is Not

What God is Not

Maybe what your sould needs is a dose of Byzantine Catholicism. Each week priest-nun duo and real life friends Fr. Michael O’Loughlin and the delightful Mother Natalia talk about walking with Christ. They share their reflections, offer thoughts on listener-submitted topics, and tease each other as only good Christians can.

Forte Catholic

Forte Catholic

Sometimes our souls just need to hear a fun, faith-filled conversation from other Catholics. Each week, speaker and worship leader Taylor Schroll is joined by a guest or two (regulars include Fr. Anthony Sciarappa, Allison Sullivan, Kathryn Whitaker, and Liv Harrison) to discuss a variety of relevant topics. If you love banter, check this one out.

Abiding Together

Abiding Together

Sr. Miriam James, Heather Khym, and Michelle Benzinger are on their twelfth season of this intimate and tender-hearted podcast. These three ladies bring you into the conversation as they share their hearts for the Lord or invite you to discuss a book and read along with them each week.

Restore the Glory Podcast

Restore The Glory Podcast

Our souls also need to be gently formed and guided towards healing and wholeness. Former therapists and Catholics, Dr. Bob Schuchts and Jake Khym share thoughts and expereinces related to restoring our God-given glory and embracing healing through a faith-filled lense.

Catechism in a Year

The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

We can not love the faith if we do not know the faith. The Catechism breaks down what we believe and Fr. Mike Schmitz breaks down the Catechism in these short episodes. If you have ever wanted someone to explain the faith to you or have ever just wanted to read the whole Catechism of the Catholic Church, this one is for you.

Featured Image: Pixabay. Free for commercial use. No attribution required.

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