Even in the midst of quarantine, cancelled public Masses, and limited access to parish resources we can still pray and feed our souls while staying at home. All these apps are available for free in the Apple App Store and Google Play.
1. Magnificat

Even though public Masses may not currently be held in your diocese, you can still enter into the Mysteries through prayer and the readings. Magnificat is a resource for just that. Each day contains the daily readings from Mass, a meditation, prayers throughout the day, and the story of a saint. While Magnificat is normally a paid subscription, they are offering digital access for free until the end of May. To sign up visit https://us.magnificat.net/home/freeonline
2. Relevant Radio

While we may be separated from our parish communities, we can still be digitally connected to great catholic resources. On the Relevant Radio app, you can listen to their live shows or one of their podcasts on demand. There’s a variety here from news to talk shows to spiritual reflections. One of their podcasts, In Conversation from God, is recording from the daily meditation book of the same name.
3. Youcat Daily

This app is geared towards teens and young adults, just like the Youth Catechism. Each day, you get a push notification (at your selected time) as a reminder. The daily content includes a Bible passage, an inspirational quote, and, of course, a passage from the YouCat. Each item contains a button to share it easily on social media. This is a good app for the intended age group but older generations may also benefit from this bite-size digestible content.
4. Hallow

Are you looking for quiet reflection? Do you need a 10 minute break from the grim news channels, washing your hands, and, even, yes, your family? Hallow is an app for Catholic mediation and mindfulness. The free version contains various meditations to listen to including lectio divina passages and the rosary. Mediations are grouped into playlists like “Gratitude”, “Hope”, and “Calm”. Content for this time includes a Spiritual Communion mediation and a playlist called “Stuck at Home.”
5. eScriva Lite

If you’re working from home, you may have realized that staying motivated can be difficult. Take some advice from St. Josemaria Escriva, known for his charism of sanctifying work. This app presents the daily Gospel alongside excerpts of Escriva’s writings on a related theme. The writings of the saint contain advice and insight for everyday life so this is a great option for daily mediation and prayer.
6. iBreviary

Throughout the world, Catholics cannot attend Mass. But also throughout the world Catholics are praying the Liturgy of the Hours. Priests and religious pray these prayers as part of the rule of life. The laity is always welcome to join. During this time, it’s a powerful way to be united in prayer to our brothers and sisters. The iBreviary app gives you all the hours as well as Mass readings for the day. You can adjust the font size, background brightness, and turn on an auto-scroll function.
7. Confession Guide

You may be fortunate enough to live in an area where Confessions are being offered either via drive-thru or with social-distance compliant lines. If not, it is perhaps even more important to be making a regular examination of conscience and Act of Contrition. The Confession app contains a standard Act of Contrition, steps for Reconciliation, and a short examination of conscience that is ideal if you’re planning to use it every week or so.
These apps certainly don’t replace the Sacraments or the community of your parish. But they offer great ways to pray during this time and beyond. Maybe one will become your new favorite way of prayer even after quarantine is over.