In Patris Corde, Pope Francis says one of the goals of the apostolic letter establishing this year of St. Joseph is “to encourage us to implore his intercession.” St. Joseph is a well-known miracle worker and powerful advocate for those who seek his prayers. During this special year, we can increase our prayers for his intercession and honor him in the process. Here are seven prayers that can help us do just that.
1. Prayer for the Year of St. Joseph
This is the official prayer for the Year of St. Joseph. It was originally written by Pope Leo XIII to be placed at the end of the rosary. This prayer can be said on any day this special year to obtain a plenary indulgence (usual conditions being met) but is especially recommended on days set aside for St. Joseph such as his feast day.
2. Memorare to St. Joseph
Mary isn’t the only one we ask to remember us. This short prayer which is moodeled after the traditional Memorare to Mary, is a great way to “fly unto” St. Joseph’s protection during this year.
3. Prayer for St. Joseph’s Protection
This prayer invokes Joseph as “most loving of fathers” and asks for his protection in this life and his assistance in obtaining a grace-filled death. The last ssection of the prayer presents stirring imagery of Joseph cradilng the Infant Christ in his arms while we ask him to present Our Lord with a kiss on our behalf.
4. The Litany of St. Joseph
Another prayer enriched with a plenary indulgence during this special year of St. Joseph is his litany. This beautiful call-and-response prayer calls upon St. Joseph under many titles including “Pattern of Patience”, “Terror of Evil Spirits”, and “Model of Workers.”
5. Byzantine Akathist to St. Joseph
An akathist is an eastern Christian hymn often in honor of a specific saint. The Akathist to St. Joseph is also enriched with a plenary indulgence during this special year. The linked docuent above comes via
6. Novena to St. Joseph
This nine day prayer puts your personal intention into Joseph’s powerful hands. Each day calls upon Joseph’s prayers through an appeal to one of his attributes such as “most loving husbandd” or “most obedient”.
7. Prayer to St. Joseph for the Whole Church
The year of St. Joseph was announced on the 150th anniversary of the proclomation of St. Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church, making this prayer an especially appropriate way to honor him this year.
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