May is traditionally celebrated in the Catholic world as the month dedicated to Mary. While there are many ways to honor the Mother of God, here are some special ones for this month.
1. Plant a Mary Garden

Spring is a great time to plant some new flowers. There are many flowers with Marian connections. The tradition of Mary gardens usually involves planting a selection of these flowers often with a statue or other image of Our Lady in the middle. Each flower reminds us of an attribute, title, or event related to Mary.
2. Research New Marian Names and Titles

There are numerous titles, apparitions, and names associated with Mary, as well as numerous feasts in her honor. While we may know the stories behind Lourdes, Guadalupe, and the Annunciation, what about Our Lady of the Snows, the Queenship of Mary, or Our Lady of the Sign? Learning more about the various ways people are devoted to Mary is a great way to honor the Mother of God.
3. Crown Mary

Many parishes throughout the world celebrate a traditional May Crowning. The devotion includes placing a crown, usually of flowers, on an image of Mary as a way to honor her. This custom can also be practiced in the home to remind us that Mary is our queen and mother.
4. Celebrate your earthly mother

The Mother of God was a mom. She had the grace of her Child being perfect. Your mom doesn’t. While mother’s day falls on the second Sunday of May in the United States, any time we celebrate our earthly mother we show respect and care for the role that Mary held and continues to hold. The Blessed Mother surely smiles to see other mothers celebrated.
5. Bring flowers to her

“April showers bring May flowers” the proverb says. A beautiful way to honor Mary during her month is to take some fresh flowers and lay them before a special image of her. It could be a painting in your home, or a statue at your parish, or at a pilgrimage site dedicated to Mary.
6. Pray the Magnificat

Mary’s hymn of joy is perfect for springtime and the season of new life. The words of the biblical prayer remind us that God remembers his promises. With Mary, we can pray that we too will “magnify the Lord” and “rejoice in God [our] Savior”.
7. Celebrate the Visitation on May 31st

The last day of the month of Mary is, fittingly, a Marian feast day. The Visitation commemorating Mary’s time with her cousin Elizabeth can be celebrated in many ways. Attending or livestreaming Mass, praying the Joyful Mysteries of the rosary, or meditating of the Magnificat are all beautiful ways to commemorate this feast and close out your observance of the month dedicated to Mary.
Featured image: Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash.