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Many Catholic Churches have the beautiful practice of exposing the Blessed Sacrament in the Monstrance.  This tradition is commonly known as Adoration. I’ve witnessed many faithful Catholics in many churches spend time in the church in person to visit our Precious Lord during times of Adoration. I’ve also visited Jesus in the tabernacle many times. Many, many times, the number of other people visiting is usually 0 to 1. Since I work at a Catholic Church, I need to say this is not just at my church, but at many churches I’ve visited all my life. I’ve sometimes thought that there shouldn’t be a drop off in number since Jesus is just as present in the tabernacle as much as He is in the monstrance exposed in Adoration. Now, because I’m not a saint or a priest, I’m not going to argue if one is better than the other. Nor am I going to argue that they are the same. Adoration is a very beautiful tradition which deserves its own article. There are many books I’ve read on Adoration, but finally, I’ve come to a book on visiting Jesus in the tabernacle! Finally, a book that addressed a reoccurring thought of mine! The book is called What the Heart of Jesus Does and Says in the Tabernacle, written by Saint Manuel Gonzalez Garcia. As this was originally published in 1925 (a win for my old school heart!), we’re blessed that Sophia Insitute Press has republished this into English for us to edify us this day.

In today’s article, I’ll share quotes from the book that share what Jesus does and says to us as we visit Him in the tabernacle:

  1. “Jesus Christ, despite His silence and stillness in the Tabernacle, speaks and acts.” You might ask yourself, “what is Jesus saying to me?” We can go to the Bible and one of the things Jesus said was, “Take heart, it is I; have no fear.” (Mark 6:50)
  2. Jesus healed people 2,000 years ago and He still does today through the Tabernacle! Saint Manuel said, “From Him, that is, from Jesus who walked the streets and squares back then and now lives in the Tabernacles, virtue flowed.”
  3. Besides pouring virtue on those who visit Him, Jesus also wants to enter our hearts. But He’s a gentleman and so He won’t force His way. Saint Manuel said, “from some words of St. John I have deduced that one of the occupation of the Heart of Jesus in the Tabernacle is to wait for His own to let Him enter.”
  4. Yay for Christmas all year long! “Every time I pass by a Tabernacle, the angels fluttering around it, adoring, could sing to me as they did on Christmas Eve.”
  5. Be Not Afraid! Many people today experience worry and anxiety. We can go to Jesus to be alleviated. Saint Manuel wrote, “Never let me forget that the Tabernacle is the only place on earth where fear is unknown and unfelt.”
  6. If you’re trying to evangelize or help a friend or family member, and it’s not going well, Saint Manuel wrote that Jesus says, “do your part…the rest? Leave it to Me.”
  7. Saint Manuel’s challenge for us: “the Tabernacle. Go in the mornings to get very close to the Lord, your light and salvation. Go with whatever frequency you can during the rest of the day.”
  8. There a condition! We do have to be humble in going before the Lord in the Tabernacle. It’s possible to not benefit from a visit, much like 2,000 years ago, if you go to Him full of pride. Saint Manuel wrote, “we go to the Tabernacle so full of ourselves that it is not surprising that we return so empty of Him.”

If interested in diving deeper, I encourage you to read this treasure of a book. Saint Manuel tells us more of what Jesus does in the Tabernacle such as calling us, transfiguring souls, giving Himself, giving the greatest love, and raising souls. Saint Manuel also tells us what Jesus tells us in the Tabernacle, such as, “rise up”, “rest a little”, “and the other nine, where are they?”, “you can”, “you are able”, and maybe more!

Bonus material: Saint Manuel also says each of us is a tabernacle too when we receive Jesus at Communion! May we keep Him in us and not push Him out.

Yes, you! We are called to be tabernacles! We imitate our Mother, Mary, in this way when we care for, protect, and love our Lord within us. Saint Manuel, pray for us!

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