There are many devotionals and meditations that are available at the beginning of every Advent. They are very good, either daily or weekly, meditating on the mysteries of why we needed a Savior and why Jesus came to us when he did, God’s perfect timing. When looking for a timeless Advent meditation be sure to pick up The Prince of Peace: Meditations for Advent and Christmas by Father Alban Goodier (1869-1939). This daily devotional can and will be used year after year, and cherished for guiding us closer to the Lord as we celebrate his birthday and into the days after his birth up through the events in his early days. The beauty of the 60 meditations is that they are all about 3 pages, including a Bible passage, 3 points to ponder and a summary to pray with, each brings us closer to the Nativity and the beautiful, young family.
Fullness of Time

Have you or your parents allowed something to happen, knowing what the outcome would be, but let it happen anyway in order to teach a lesson? It’s not to say ‘I told you so’ but so that it would be remembered, learned and not repeated, and retold for future generations. The prophets told everyone Jesus was coming, but no one listened or understood until it was time for him to be here, and we’re still talking about it today.
Mother of God

When God chooses us for a special mission, he pours graces upon that person. Mary received many graces by becoming the Mother of God, starting from her conception. Imagine what her childhood would have been like.
Work of the Holy Spirit

When Mary was asked to be the Mother of God, she said yes. It was by the power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus was conceived. What would seem as an impossible conception in Elizabeth carrying John in her old age, Mary firmly understands nothing is impossible with God.
St. Joseph’s decision

Imagine finding the one promised to you already expecting a child. How confusing that would have been for Joseph who knew Mary was faithful and she was waiting for him before marriage. In a supernatural way, being revealed the role he would play in the Son of God’s life. Even though God allowed the trials of Joseph to happen, He guided him to be a protector and example for all holy men.
Message delivered

The way God came into the world wasn’t like how anyone expected. Born from the holy but lowly among the tribes, in a cave with animals surrounding them, with scraps for His first clothes. But the angels celebrated, and made their announcement to the lowly shepherds. They feared but wonder overcame, and they were the first ones to honor and worship the newborn King. Oh, the story to tell!
Persecution since birth

From the moment people started talking about the infant Jesus, evil was out to stop Him from fulfilling His mission to save the world. Shortly after being presented in the temple and worshiped by the three kings, Joseph was warned to get up and flee to Egypt. Innocents were killed because of Him. God protected and hid him during his youth into young adulthood, but surly he dealt with evil during that time too.

There is no better time to ponder the early life of Jesus than at Advent. The Prince of Peace: Meditations for Advent and Christmas by Father Alban Goodier covers the prophecy through the early life of Jesus daily, in quick easy points to ponder and reflect on. We learn lessons that resonate still today because evil is always trying to overtake us, but we know who came and defeated all evil. Jesus’ humble start and holiness of those who took care of him during his early years allows us to learn and follow in their same footsteps, and will help us to prepare a room for Jesus in our own hearts.