17 Saints to Sanctify Your Summer

17 Saints to Sanctify Your Summer

Summer is mostly comprised of Ordinary Time, but ordinary time does not have to mean boredom-ary time. There are plenty of Saints with feast days over the summer whom you can befriend. Here are seventeen of them: 1. St. Boniface (June 5) St. Boniface is the patron...
More Fantastic Faces of Pope Francis

More Fantastic Faces of Pope Francis

In July of 2015, EpicPew published The Fantastic Faces of Pope Francis. Since that time, the Holy Father has continued to make the best faces. Here are some more of those faces. The “I love dogs” face The “I love to laugh” face The “imma...
What NOT to Give Up for Lent

What NOT to Give Up for Lent

Don’t be caught off guard! Lent is right around the corner. Before you know it, Ash Wednesday will be here and many will be scrambling to come up with the perfect Lenten penance. If you want to plan ahead, now is the time to begin considering what your Lenten...
20 of the Very Best G.K. Chesterton Quotes

20 of the Very Best G.K. Chesterton Quotes

G.K. Chesterton is one of my favorite authors. One of the reasons for this is because he so quotable. There seem to be no end to the application of his sayings, still. Here, in no particular order, are my 20 favorite G.K. Chesterton quotes. 1. “Poets have been...
21 Saint Quotes for Your Advent Reflections

21 Saint Quotes for Your Advent Reflections

“Next to that which directly concerns God, nothing is more precious for truly enlightened piety than that which concerns the honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Here we encounter all that exists in a son towards his mother. And what a Mother! To us she gave her Son, the...