As a child, I would watch the Communion line and look at all the different people walking by to and from the altar. Tall, short, young, old, sloppy, well-kempt, and so on. My parents taught me how to receive the Holy Eucharist and, as I grew into an adult, I’ve...
We love our children and want them to be happy, but are we hurting them in the long run with good intentions? You hear it all the time, “I just want them to be happy.” Happy when? Now? Later in life? What about for eternity? If given the choice, most of us—anyone who...
Your feelings don’t always matter. Sorry, but it’s true. In fact, truth is more important than feelings. Offended? Good. This is for you. To God Be All the Glory It’s about Him, not you. Any Christian will agree with that, but how many of us are actually willing...
As we contemplate the Stations of the Cross, we contemplate Jesus’s suffering. We can liken that to our own suffering, times we have been ridiculed or endured pain. Lent often tasks us to contemplate our mortality, and as Christians we are asked to suffer. This...
Perhaps you haven’t quite decided on a sacrifice for Lent yet (even though Lent started a week ago!). You’re in luck! Here are some guidelines. What’s Required? Lent is about prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We’re in a holy season in which we should be reflecting on...