5 Ways You Can Definitely Screw Up Your Confession

5 Ways You Can Definitely Screw Up Your Confession

Because of poor catechesis or any number of other reasons, you might not be making the best confession possible. And that’s a problem…especially if it means you aren’t receiving the grace of the sacrament. So, here are five not uncommon ways that one might fall...
9 More Things You’re Doing Wrong at Mass

9 More Things You’re Doing Wrong at Mass

Chewing gum Reverence much? This restriction on gum chewing fits into the obligation that we not eat or drink anything (save for water) for atleast an hour before receiving Holy Communion (the Eucharistic fast). If it’s edible and you swallow it, you’re...
What Do You Miss From Your Protestant Days?

What Do You Miss From Your Protestant Days?

When people leave their Protestant communities and cross the Tiber into Rome, they often struggle to leave behind certain facets of the Protestant community lifestyle. They aren’t bad characteristics, usually, they’re just comforting or habitual or...
Giveaway: The Man Who Founded California

Giveaway: The Man Who Founded California

Here at EpicPew, you’ll find the best movie, book, and media reviews to help grow and cultivate a deep and lasting faith that is truly Catholic. To encourage you on your journey, we give away books and media from our very generous sponsors and donors. Everyone is free...