Hidden Ways the Bible Declares Christ’s Divinity

Hidden Ways the Bible Declares Christ’s Divinity

What do “Eggo Waffles” or your “ego” have to do with the divinity of Jesus Christ? Absolutely nothing! The phrase ego eimi is a Greek phrase meaning “I AM.” In the Greek Septuagint, this is the exact phrase used by God to describe his name to Moses at the burning bush...
5 Reasons We Exalt the Cross Every 15th of September

5 Reasons We Exalt the Cross Every 15th of September

The Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of The Exaltation of the Holy Cross on 15 September. Reflecting upon the significance of the cross for our salvation, I wanted to share with you all five insights that causes me to rejoice in the cross of Christ. 1. It is the...
14 Things That “Wooed” Me into Catholicism

14 Things That “Wooed” Me into Catholicism

Growing up as an Evangelical Protestant, I never thought in a million years that I would become Catholic. Reflecting back on my conversion experience four years ago, I see my Protestant background as a preparation for my reception into the Catholic Church. Here are...