7 Fun Facts About Mardi Gras (Plus a Sweet Surprise)

7 Fun Facts About Mardi Gras (Plus a Sweet Surprise)

1. New Orleans didn’t invent Mardi Gras New Orleans can thank their celebration of Mardi Gras to the Europeans who brought their religious practices with them to the colonies. This specific holiday was celebrated with as much vigor as it would have been in...
7 Simple Ways to Support Families at Mass

7 Simple Ways to Support Families at Mass

From some quality tested practice and peer reviewed knowledge, I can say that having all seven of these items happen at my parish would make Mass attendance less stressful. So, here’s my thoughts on what needs to change. 1. No fire marshals Matthew Kelly,...
4 Spiritual Practices to Adopt this New Year

4 Spiritual Practices to Adopt this New Year

New Year’s is a great time to take and step back, recalibrate, and move forward steadfastly in the direction you want to go. Even though it’s not the “New Year” in the liturgical sense, it’s still an opportune time to discern God’s...
7 Songs for Your Advent Playlist

7 Songs for Your Advent Playlist

Maybe this happens every year, but this year I’ve come across numerous social media posts arguing about whether it is too early to decorate for Christmas, whether we as Catholics should listen to Christmas music during Advent, and all the nuances that go along with...