Growing up in my house, attendance at Sunday dinner was a requirement. Though my family wasn’t particularly religious, both my parents were firm believers that we structure our Sunday plans around this meal, which was always to be enjoyed together. My mom, being...
October is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary, and also holds the anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima and the Battle of Lepanto (the latter of which Pius V credited the rosary with the victor). We’ve all heard that the rosary is the greatest spiritual weapon, but taking...
Thank God for beer and burgundy by not drinking too much of them. – G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy With International Buy a Priest a Beer Day quickly approaching (September 9th), I’ve been thinking about the Catholic art of drinking. There’s no formal rules to...
There are a lot of distractions in our culture today (cell phones, iPads, laptops, the “need” to be busy, etc.) which have unfortunately seeped into the family meal. The kids are distracted, the parents are distracted and tired after working all day, so there is not a...
St. Theresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) was a Jewish convert to Catholicism, very well educated despite numerous obstacles, and who became a Carmelite nun. She died on August 9th in an Auschwitz gas chamber, along with her sister and many others. St. Pope...