Simple Steps to Put Jesus’s Words into Action

Simple Steps to Put Jesus’s Words into Action

There is a lot of misinformation out there as to what Jesus would do, or wouldn’t. Many in the media, commentators, politicians, and talk-show hosts will tout they are Catholic and then proceed to say how they feel Jesus would act or react to certain modern day...
The Liturgy of the Hours, Finally Makes Sense!

The Liturgy of the Hours, Finally Makes Sense!

Growing up as a cradle Catholic, you would think that I would know everything there is to know about prayer, but honestly, I only recently even heard of the Liturgy of the Hours. What little I did know (or thought I knew) about it was that it was prayed only by the...
Finding Miracles Amid the Rubble of Notre Dame

Finding Miracles Amid the Rubble of Notre Dame

Out of the ashes of the Notre Dame fire, we’re seeing an incredible amount of miracles. When it comes to the Lord, there is no shortage of highly visible miracles. Many will blow off miracles as coincidence or happenstance, but these ‘God-incidences’...
Want to Spend a Year With Saint Faustina?

Want to Spend a Year With Saint Faustina?

A modern day mystic, Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska received visions and a mission from Jesus to spread a message of his mercy for us. When her confessor was too busy to hear all she wanted to tell him, he told her to write everything down, which is how we now have her...
8 Practical Ways to Get Out of Spiritual Darkness

8 Practical Ways to Get Out of Spiritual Darkness

From the greatest saints to the lowliest sinners, we will all go through a time of spiritual darkness. This is a period of time in our lives when we feel distanced from God. We feel like no one is listening, most importantly—that God isn’t listening. St. Theresa...