Catholic Five 02-12-25

Catholic Five 02-12-25

SUBSCRIBE TO CATHOLIC FIVE 1. Remembering the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes 2. Our Lady Appears Our Lady appeared to Bernadette Soubirous 18 times in 1858. The first of these apparitions was on February 11th. Bernadette did not know who “the lady in white” was at...
The “Uh-O” Antiphons of this Advent Season

The “Uh-O” Antiphons of this Advent Season

The time for the O! Antiphons,  which begin on December 17th every year, is rapidly approaching and this means Christmas is almost here! If you feel like this Advent Season is going by at a ridiculously fast pace, and just realized that Gaudete Sunday is right upon...
What Would John Paul II Say about AI Art?

What Would John Paul II Say about AI Art?

Lately there has been an explosion of “AI Art” (art generated by artificial intelligence). It is becoming more prevalent on different media sites, in social media, and through different media platforms. This has caused some fantastic discussion about the...
Easter Things Only Catholics Do and Say

Easter Things Only Catholics Do and Say

“He is Risen!” That phrase is splashed all over social media and church signboards. After the trials of Lent, Catholics are ready for the Easter season! Read on for some uniquely Catholic aspects of Eastertide! 1. “We are the Easter People”...
Opinion Piece: The Heart of Worship

Opinion Piece: The Heart of Worship

Recently I had a conversation that took me by surprise. In this conversation, an acquaintance of mine suggested that it was audacious and insulting that the Church would insist on “telling us” what can and can’t happen in the Mass. In essence, they...