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5 Must-Know Facts About Resilient St. Joan of Valois

5 Must-Know Facts About Resilient St. Joan of Valois

I’ll admit that I had never heard of St. Joan of Valois before this week. I didn’t even know another French saint named Joan besides St. Joan of Arc. The more I researched her life, the more I wanted to get to know her. Her life was not easy. She suffered so much...
Forgotten Traditions on the Feast of St. Agnes

Forgotten Traditions on the Feast of St. Agnes

We really don’t hear much about St. Agnes these days. At least, I haven’t seen much about her on Catholic social media or even blogs. I wonder why that is, since she’s such a great saint. Perhaps it’s because people feel like they can’t relate to her. She was a 12-13...
5 Ways to Have an Epic Fail New Year as a Catholic

5 Ways to Have an Epic Fail New Year as a Catholic

It’s that time of the year again. Introverts are trying to gather strength for one last socializing push for the New Years celebrations while extroverts are relishing in the celebrations with no issue. We Catholics are still celebrating Christmastide despite what...