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Adoration or bust!

Adoration or bust!

Many Catholic Churches have the beautiful practice of exposing the Blessed Sacrament in the Monstrance.  This tradition is commonly known as Adoration. I’ve witnessed many faithful Catholics in many churches spend time in the church in person to visit our...
What Christmas is like in Heaven

What Christmas is like in Heaven

Sophia Institute Pressed just published a new book, Christmas in Heaven, written by Anthony DeStefano. This book is great on so many levels. First, it’s written in story form, which is the most appealing way to read for most folks. Second, taking time to view...
9 Calming Facts about Jesus

9 Calming Facts about Jesus

Feeling sad or depressed? Having a bad day? Angry? Anxious? We all have been wounded and hurt in this fallen world. Thankfully, we have Jesus to calm us! This article will bring out great reminders from the book, Litanies of the Heart: Relieving Post-Traumatic Stress...
6 Fresh Defenses of the Catholic Church

6 Fresh Defenses of the Catholic Church

EWTN Publishing has come out with a book Blue Collar Apologetics: How to Explain and Defend Catholic Teaching Using Common Sense, Simple Logic, and the Bible by John Martignoni. In this book, 30 common differences between Protestantism and Catholicism are answered...
10 Ideas More Romantic Than Hallmark

10 Ideas More Romantic Than Hallmark

Sophia Institute Press has republished a book originally published in 1957. Some people would think old school Catholicism was all about hell, fire, and brimstone, but this sweet, endearing preaching volume proves otherwise. Bridegroom and Bride: Time Honored Wisdom...