Catholic Five 01-04-25

Catholic Five 01-04-25

SUBSCRIBE TO CATHOLIC FIVE 1. Today’s Saint: St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the Woman of Many Vocations, also a Boss 2. What is Vocation? “Vocation” refers to our specific call from God to live a life of holiness, service, and love in a particular state or...
7 Inspiring Advent Traditions from Around the World

7 Inspiring Advent Traditions from Around the World

In the mad dash towards Christmas, Advent is sometimes overlooked. But this church season has traditions and charm all its own. Here are a few ways people around the world commemeorate and celebrate in Advent. Hopefully they’ll inspire you to honor this sacred...
The Ultimate Gift Guide for Catholic Kids

The Ultimate Gift Guide for Catholic Kids

Do you have a niece or nephew, a godchild, or your own child who you want get something special this Christmas? A gift that won’t just keep them entertained or be vaguely “educational” but will enrich their lives with reminders of our faith or...
St. Josemaria’s Secret to Joy

St. Josemaria’s Secret to Joy

St. Josemaria Escriva was no stranger to suffering. Despite this, he continuously preached on the importance of cheerfulness and the christian’s call to joy. He said “the children of God should always be sowers of peace and joy” (Furrow 59). What is...
Women Saints who Show Our Many Womanly Vocations

Women Saints who Show Our Many Womanly Vocations

Is there a current topic more controversial and more misunderstood than the Church’s stance on women? Recent internet trends around “tradwives”, what certain football players choose to say about motherhood, and ecclesial tensions about deaconesses...