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Catholic Five 03-15-25

SUBSCRIBE TO CATHOLIC FIVE 1. Prayer is a Pillar of Lent 2. St. Josemaria’s Stations of the Cross The Stations of the Cross are a traditional meditative prayer for Lent. This series of reflections, written by St. Josemaria Escriva, are a beautiful way to...
Catholic Five 03-14-25

Catholic Five 03-14-25

SUBSCRIBE TO CATHOLIC FIVE 1.Blessed Friday! Don’t forget! It’s a Friday in Lent. Roman Catholics are bound to abstinence from meat unless you are otherwise exempt. 2. Meatless Meals Need some inspiration for dinner tonight? Check out these meatless meal...
How to Pre-Game For Your Best Lent Ever

How to Pre-Game For Your Best Lent Ever

This year Lent comes “late”. Because of how we currently calculate Easter, the latest possible date for Ash Wednesday is March 10th. This year it falls on March 5th. While it is nice that this will mean Easter is firmly in Spring and, hopefully, Spring...
Catholic Five 03-14-25

Catholic Five 02-10-25

SUBSCRIBE TO CATHOLIC FIVE 1. Happy Feast of St. Scholastica 2. Scholastica Statue Image of the statue of St. Scholastica at Monte Cassino, Italy via Leszek Kozlowski on Flickr CC 2.0 3. Scholastica and the Storm A famous story of St. Scholastica shares about one of...
Catholic Five 03-14-25

Catholic Five 02-09-25

SUBSCRIBE TO CATHOLIC FIVE 1. Today’s Gospel: Fishing In the Deep Water 2. Watch: Short Film on Priests as Fishers of Men 3. We are All Called to Evangelize 4. Watch: Evangelizing the Indifferent 5. Miraculous Catch of Fish by Johann Georg Platzer Advertise With...