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A Study of the Life of Mary Without Equal

A Study of the Life of Mary Without Equal

I’m a big fan of Mariology. Any chance I can get my hands on a good book that dives into her life, her life after her Son’s crucifixion, or gain a better understanding of how the Church treats her, I will not hesitate to get that book. A new one has come...
New Book Celebrates Benedict XVI, the Theologian

New Book Celebrates Benedict XVI, the Theologian

“The best theologian among all the popes” — Cardinal George Pell Cardinal Pell is right. Of the 20th, and thus far the 21st century popes, Pope Benedict XVI sits at the top of the great hill of theologians the Church has been gifted. The impact of his vast...
Rediscovering the Valuable Teachings of Vatican II

Rediscovering the Valuable Teachings of Vatican II

Getting rid of the proverbial elephant in the room, Vatican II is still a controversial council for some Catholics. One group hyperbolizes its application, and another shuts down its legitimacy and authority. Both are dangerous viewpoints. A new book from Word on Fire...
Do You Know the “Second Founder” of Notre Dame?

Do You Know the “Second Founder” of Notre Dame?

We know it for the colors: blue and gold. We know it for the famous mural: touchdown Jesus. Cultural and collegiate icon, the reputation of The University of Notre Dame precedes itself. But away from the football program and rivalries, and although the founding of the...
Abby Johnson’s Full Speech at the 2020 RNC

Abby Johnson’s Full Speech at the 2020 RNC

Pro-life activist and Catholic convert, Abby Johnson spoke at the 2020 Republican National Convention. She discussed the racist roots of Planned Parenthood—the abortion provider she was recruited to work for during college. “Life is a core tenet of who we are as...