Between the years of 1985 to 1991, during the General Audiences, Pope Saint John Paul II gave the world an amazing series focused on the catechesis of the Holy Trinity. These catechetical lessons were part of John Paul’s Catechesis on the Creed. He began with God the...
In the Easter Season, which starts on Holy Saturday night and concludes with the seventh Sunday of Easter, Pentecost Sunday, the Regina Caeli is one of the four seasonal antiphons that can be chanted or recited to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is commonly done during...
Born on May 13, 1792, Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferrett, Blessed Pope Pius IX was elected to the papacy on June 16, 1846, and served 32 years till his death on February 7, 1878. Even with the long papacy of Pope St. John Paul II, Blessed Pope Pius IX has the longest reign...
December 7 marks the day when we commemorate one of the great early church fathers and Doctors of the Church, Saint Ambrose of Milan. A powerhouse in his own time, he combated the early church heresies of Arianism and Docetism, however, his fight with Arianism would...
With so many children returning to school over the last few weeks (at least here in Arizona) and with so many more returning after Labor Day in other parts of the country, I found it fitting to write this article. Teaching theology to high school students was one the...