The women of the Old Testament were fierce, faithful, creative, and legendary. This is the legacy of Mary, Mother of God and of Jesus Christ himself! As they fought for the continuation of the faith and through enormous battles and roadblocks, the passed on this...
We hear a lot about the men of the New Testament: the Apostles, Sts. John the Baptist, Joseph, Paul, Timothy, and more. Authorship of all of the Gospels and books and letter of the New Testament is also male. But that doesn’t mean women didn’t play an...
. . . and besides The Hobbit. Tolkien was quite the prolific writer, even though he is most known for his epic The Lord of the Rings (which is not a trilogy! It’s actually six books!). Here are eight other books or stories Tolkien wrote. A Middle English...
Every saint starts somewhere. All where just regular people at some point who lived the faith in extraordinary ways and when they died, their holiness and dedication to Christ just couldn’t be denied! Here are five Catholic women (who’ve entered eternal...
English Catholics were among the first to come to the New World when the British Colonies were developed, hoping to find freedom from the religious persecution they faced in their homeland. But so much of the early American Catholic history is forgotten, and...