While Lent is a time of repentance and fasting and remembering our death, it can also be a time of great spiritual growth and consolation. Who better to walk with us through these days than the saints? Get to know this incredible crowd of saints who have feast days in...
Jesus primarily spread the gospel through questions. He asked many questions of those who followed him, even his own mother! In his book Answering the Questions of Jesus, Father Andrew Apostoli, CFR explains some of these questions and how we should be answering them....
St. Gabriel Possenti was a young man in training for the priesthood with the Passionists in Italy when he died from tuberculosis at age twenty-four, before he could be ordained. He is patron to youth, clergy, students, and the Province of Abruzzo, Italy, and his feast...
Everyone experiences loneliness at some time or another. Adam experienced it in the Garden of Eden. Jesus, on the cross. Many saints even experienced loneliness. No one is immune, but there are ways to combat it. In his book The Catholic Guide to Loneliness:...
Not every saint or monk or nun lived a solitary life. Many saint’s did in fact know each others in close and meaningful ways. Some were best friends, others enjoyed a relationship of spiritual mentorship. Here’s a few of those very saints:...