Like talking about sex? Okay. Protestants like it and have very few restrictions for it other than that it must be within the confines of marriage. Catholics . . . appear to not like it? That can’t be right. Catholics just regulate sex a lot because they think...
Most people set resolutions, but here are seven different, unusual ways you can start your new year that will make it the best new year yet. 1. Go to a party! That’s right, go to a party! It doesn’t have to be a rager and you do not (and should not!!) have...
“Ask and you shall receive.” “Knock and the door will be opened to you.” “God always answers our prayers, just maybe not in the way we thought or wanted.” All of these and more are what we are told about God’s generosity...
God’s love might seem like a no-brainer, something so evident to us that it needs no further explanation. Or, it might seem like such an enigma that it’s impossible to know any more about it. But both of these things are false. God’s love is deep and...
Of course, we’re talking about St. Joseph! Husband of Mary, foster father of Jesus Christ, completely silent in the Gospels. He doesn’t even really get many mentions in the Gospels, and yet he’s arguably the most important player in the life of Jesus...