Who Wrote Ecclesiastes?

Who Wrote Ecclesiastes?

Trivia: Qohelet is the Hebrew name for the book of Ecclesiastes. many scholars believe it is a name, too, of the author. The more popular rendering of the title, Ecclesiastes from “Ecclesiasticus”, is the Greek rendering that was found in the Greek Old...
10 Quotes That Prove The Papacy Is Ancient

10 Quotes That Prove The Papacy Is Ancient

When I first started taking the idea of Catholicism seriously it was natural to look into the papacy. I’d wonder how if the word “pope” isn’t in the Bible, why does this man have so much power? At first, I thought it was a power play and Catholics let the...
10 Early Church Quotes About the Eucharist

10 Early Church Quotes About the Eucharist

I am a convert to the Catholic Faith. In my evangelical days I read scripture passages such as John chapters 6 and concluded that they were symbolic. This view is still predominant in most Protestant denominations. There came a point when I had to take a deep dive...