7 Totally Catholic Quotes From St. Irenaeus

7 Totally Catholic Quotes From St. Irenaeus

Before entering the Catholic church, I had a lot of misconceptions about what Catholicism was. I am not the only one that had these misconceptions, and these misconceptions are still ongoing for many people. There is a very vivid memory I have of the day I made myself...
3 Things You Can Do To Prepare Your Family For Mass

3 Things You Can Do To Prepare Your Family For Mass

Sunday mornings can be chaotic even for the most cheerful and organized households. As a parent of four, there are some Sundays that it is difficult for me to get the entire family ready to exit the house, let alone prepare for Mass. There are a few things that can be...
3 Ways to Show Appreciation to Your Priest Today

3 Ways to Show Appreciation to Your Priest Today

No matter the time of year, life is a constantly busy time for adults, but it is also a busy time for the Church. Our priests work very hard and should be included in our plans. They work hard year round, but so we can always show them our appreciation. Here are three...
The Catholic Mass is More Than Meets the Eye

The Catholic Mass is More Than Meets the Eye

Sometimes we can do things so often that we inadvertently go through the motions.  This can happen in our work, relationships, and in the worship of our Lord at Mass.  At every Mass we are getting a foretaste of the wedding supper of the Lamb mentioned in the book of...