Grow in Faith With These 5 Free Catholic Resources

Grow in Faith With These 5 Free Catholic Resources

If you are like me, you want to learn as much as you can about the Catholic Faith. But sometimes there is a small issue of money. There are so many great resources, apostolates, and teachers out there that is hard to spread our hard-earned dollars around. However,...
Are Suicide Victims Without Hope of Heaven?

Are Suicide Victims Without Hope of Heaven?

Suicide impacts everyone. There is a suicide in the United States every twelve minutes, and it is the tenth leading cause of death! Why one would resort suicide is a matter of debate and there is hardly a cut and dry scenario to pull from. Not to mention: Christians...
3 Simple Ways to Evangelize Your Neighbor

3 Simple Ways to Evangelize Your Neighbor

In the Gospels we see many instances in which our Lord commands us to evangelize. On such instance is known as the Great Commission and occurs at the end of Matthew’s Gospel. These verses occur in Matthew 28:19-20 and state, “Go therefore and make disciples of all...
You’ll Never Sing this Hymn the Same Way Again

You’ll Never Sing this Hymn the Same Way Again

The Eucharistic prayer is recited after the angelic hymn of praise known as the Sanctus. You know it: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts . . . This may seem like a repetitive hymn, and to those that hear it quite frequently that may be the case. However, its placement...