You Cannot Forget to Put These 4 Things on Your Christmas To-Do List this Year – EpicPew

You Cannot Forget to Put These 4 Things on Your Christmas To-Do List this Year

Christmas is here and there’s plenty to do since it doesn’t end until the Epiphany.  In all of the rush, here are five things you cannot forget to put on your Christmas to-do list this year.


1.  Stop and ponder this season in your heart

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So often in all of the hustling of the season, we forget what we are really celebrating.  In these next few days, take a couple of minutes to stop by your local Eucharistic adoration chapel. Don’t think about the gifts to wrap, food to cook and places to be.  Simply sit in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist.  He became a baby so that no one could be afraid to approach him.  And then, because some people may be afraid of babies, He humbled Himself to be under the appearance of a piece of bread. Come, let us adore.


2. Give true presence instead of presents

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It can be easy to judge the success of Christmas day by how many gifts are underneath the tree.  This year, make sure to realize that some of the best gifts cannot be wrapped.  Give the gift of time with your family this year.  Put away the cell phones on Christmas day and spend time getting to know what when on in their lives since the last time you spent time with them.  Give the gift of true presence.


3. Take time to understand the reason behind traditions 

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Do you know what the Christmas tree symbolizes? How about the story behind Saint Nicholas? This year, instead of going through the motions of Christmas traditions, find out why we do what we do in this most wonderful time of the year.

Do you have a special Christmas tradition with your family? Ask your grandparents or parents to tell the story behind how the tradition started.  You may be amazed at the story!


4. Wish Jesus a Happy Birthday 

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He’s the real reason we’re celebrating after all.  If you have kids in the house this Christmas, think about buying a birthday cake and singing Jesus ‘Happy Birthday’ after the Christmas meal.  Or just whisper your birthday wishes to Him during silent time after Communion at Mass this weekend.


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