While Lent is a time of repentance and fasting and remembering our death, it can also be a time of great spiritual growth and consolation. Who better to walk with us through these days than the saints? Get to know this incredible crowd of saints who have feast days in...
Lent is right around the corner. Want to give up something more than soda or sugar this year? Knowing your temperament can help you sacrifice something meaningful! You may know your temperament (if you don’t, take this quiz), defined by Hippocrates hundreds of...
About a year ago, a friend went through some complicated medical procedures. They took several months and a fair bit of travel. Ultimately the procedures were frustrating. The doctors finally told him, “We don’t know why it’s happening, and...
Lent is right around the corner. How are you making this year’s penitential season special? Every year, my family comes up with same boring things to give up for Lent. We classically give up biting nails, fighting with family members, or chewing gum. Some of us...
St. Gabriel Possenti was a young man in training for the priesthood with the Passionists in Italy when he died from tuberculosis at age twenty-four, before he could be ordained. He is patron to youth, clergy, students, and the Province of Abruzzo, Italy, and his feast...
Jesus promised in Matthew 16:18, “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it.” But what exactly does that mean? If one looks throughout the history of the church it becomes obvious that...