This is a busy time of year for many in the United States. Businesses are preoccupied with sending out W-2s to their employees. Citizens are gathering all of their documentation for the year and sending them to their accountants or tax preparers. The brave ones are...
I’ll admit that I had never heard of St. Joan of Valois before this week. I didn’t even know another French saint named Joan besides St. Joan of Arc. The more I researched her life, the more I wanted to get to know her. Her life was not easy. She suffered so much...
Have you ever had the experience of feeling a little bit of holiday whiplash? First there is Advent and the secular rush up to Christmas. Then the celebration! A feast! (Both liturgically and literally!) But then it’s time to take everything down by Epiphany and...
Ahhh! The day is already here—in fact it’s almost already gone! What do we do?Check your bookshelves, browse the web. And if you have kids, here’s your easy button in a way they will love! Turin, where Saint Bosco is from, is said to be the place where...
We really don’t hear much about St. Agnes these days. At least, I haven’t seen much about her on Catholic social media or even blogs. I wonder why that is, since she’s such a great saint. Perhaps it’s because people feel like they can’t relate to her. She was a 12-13...
Have you ever wondered why some popes choose the names they do? Some (like the first popes) simply kept their names. Others (especially the most modern day popes) choose them based on the legacies of their predecessors. While there are some papal names that have been...