5 Little Known Facts About Awe-Inspiring Bl. Carlo Acutis
It’s been one year since Blessed Carlo Acutis’s beatification, which just happened to be two days before his feast day on October 12. While word of his sanctity and intercessions have made the rounds on social media, we usually get the bare basics that keep getting...
7 Things Few People Know About St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis of Assisi is one of the most well-known Saints of the Church. Best known for his love of nature and life of extreme poverty, Francis was the founder of both the Franciscan Order and the Poor Clares. Here are seven things to know about this much loved...
7 Ways to Bond with Your Guardian Angel
The feast of the guardian angels is October 2. This often overlooked feast celebrates the angels assigned to each of us for our spiritual and physical protection. They are always with us, and only God (and perhaps Mary) loves you more than your guardian angel. This...
A Useful Litany for All Teachers
We are beginning to see the first small signs of autumn as the mornings grow darker, crisper, and the leaves of the trees gain faint shades of red and gold at their edges. This is a tell-tale sign that school is, for most if not all, in full swing as well. Teachers...