Saint Killian is a Total Boss

Saint Killian is a Total Boss

Saying that this is a “cool saint” might be a bit redundant since all saints are cool (duh!) but St. Killian really was super cool! Here’s why. He was called the “Apostle of Franconia” First of all, he’s got a cool nickname!...
We Need To Slow Down

We Need To Slow Down

In many ways 2019 seems so long ago. It seems like an eternity in some regard. Our lives have been flipped upside down in a mere matter of months. This year has been unlike one that we have ever experienced. We have all made sacrifices and had to change the way we go...
“Rocking Out” in Liberal Company

“Rocking Out” in Liberal Company

Catholics rock! We depend on the rock of Peter upon whom Jesus built his Church to navigate the culture. Rather than shrink away when we are the only authentically Catholic person at some gathering, we can shine our lights! We must shine our lights, in fact, or be...