7 Ways to Deepen Your Devotion to the Precious Blood this July
Our beautiful Church has many different devotions: so many in fact that it can be hard to know where to start. Fortunately, every month of the year has a special devotion for which the month is dedicated. This provides a perfect jumping off point for anyone who wants...
We Need To Slow Down
In many ways 2019 seems so long ago. It seems like an eternity in some regard. Our lives have been flipped upside down in a mere matter of months. This year has been unlike one that we have ever experienced. We have all made sacrifices and had to change the way we go...
6 Loving Ways to Grow Closer to God During Protests
With covid and the protests taking over the news, it can be tempting to lose some faith. Here are six connections we can ponder on to center us back to a better prayer state of mind, soul, and spirit....
11 Obscure Saints to Venerate During the Month of June
June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but did you know that there are a bunch of other unheard of saints that are honored this month as well? Here are eleven random saints and all the details currently known about them. Most don’t have photos or...