Catechesis on the Holy Trinity by Pope Saint John Paul II

Catechesis on the Holy Trinity by Pope Saint John Paul II

Between the years of 1985 to 1991, during the General Audiences, Pope Saint John Paul II gave the world an amazing series focused on the catechesis of the Holy Trinity. These catechetical lessons were part of John Paul’s Catechesis on the Creed. He began with God the...
Remembering Emilia: The Mother of John Paul II

Remembering Emilia: The Mother of John Paul II

Pope St. John Paul II’s 100th birthday is May 18, 2020. There are a lot of articles circulating discussing his life and legacy but few tend to mention the most important woman in Karol Wojtyla’s life: his mother, Emilia. One could argue that the most...
Teach Teen Now to be Catholic Leaders Later

Teach Teen Now to be Catholic Leaders Later

Raising good kids is the toughest job in the world, raising good Catholics can be even more difficult. Parents struggle to do what is right in their own lives, let alone try to fight against all of the outside influences of poor role models and faithless friends. Alan...