Where Was God During My Greatest Time of Loss?

Where Was God During My Greatest Time of Loss?

I’ve been thinking again. I hate it, but I do it from time to time, or all the time, in fact. I’d rather not think. Ignorant bliss. Comfortably numb. It’s better that way. Don’t you think? But I’ve been thinking lately. About death. About grief. I’ve been thinking...
Massless: 8 Tips for Staying Connected with God

Massless: 8 Tips for Staying Connected with God

For some of us it has been over a month since we last partook of the Holy Eucharist. Others, like those in Northern Italy, have been without for over 8 weeks. Though priests throughout the world are still celebrating Mass, the general public is unable to go to Mass in...
The House is Now Still: The Dark Night of the Church

The House is Now Still: The Dark Night of the Church

One dark night,Fired with love’s urgent longings— Ah, the sheer grace! —I went out unseen,My house being now all stilled.The Dark Night of the Soul. Poem by St. John of the Cross Five centuries ago a little monk was locked in a six foot by ten foot room. For nine...