The Catholic Mass is More Than Meets the Eye

The Catholic Mass is More Than Meets the Eye

Sometimes we can do things so often that we inadvertently go through the motions.  This can happen in our work, relationships, and in the worship of our Lord at Mass.  At every Mass we are getting a foretaste of the wedding supper of the Lamb mentioned in the book of...
Why You Should Attend the Lively Posadas This Advent

Why You Should Attend the Lively Posadas This Advent

One of my favorite things to do during the holidays (and holy ways) is to learn more about the traditions associated with the feast days. Although it’s true that the world seems to be getting “smaller” due to the worldwide connectivity, sometimes we get stuck in our...
Blessed Quotes from Soon-To-Be Blessed Fulton Sheen

Blessed Quotes from Soon-To-Be Blessed Fulton Sheen

Soon-to-be beatified, Fulton Sheen once said, “God does not love us because we are valuable. We are valuable because God loves us.” His wit and wisdom always brings me comfort and keeps my intellect sharp as well. I believe that Sheen’s close relationship with God is...
Saints Who Absolutely Loved Their Cats

Saints Who Absolutely Loved Their Cats

I love cats! I know not everyone loves cats, and I feel very sorry for those people. Cats are independent, curious, funny, playful and how can you not fall in love with this face? Jesus is also called the Lion of Judah, in Revelation 5:5 “The Lion of the tribe...