I was recently talking to my sister-in-law about gratitude. We both married into this wonderful family and come from completely different backgrounds, so it was fascinating to hear her take on gratitude and compare it to what I’ve traditionally thought. Currently, I...
The tradition of women veiling in Church has made a comeback in recent years. Many Catholic women, young and old, are choosing to cover their heads at Mass. Some do it out of reverence for the Eucharist, others as a sign of their submission to God. But whatever the...
An article was posted earlier this year: Header from an article circulated earlier this year. The Pope’s voice? On one occasion St. Pope John Paul II is known to have quipped, “Music is extremely helpful for prayer. As Saint Augustine said, ‘He who sings,...
The month of November is dedicated to the poor souls in purgatory but many people stop praying for them after the first 8 days when indulgences can be earned. Does not earning them an indulgence mean you should simply stop praying for them? Of course not! In fact, we...
What do “Eggo Waffles” or your “ego” have to do with the divinity of Jesus Christ? Absolutely nothing! The phrase ego eimi is a Greek phrase meaning “I AM.” In the Greek Septuagint, this is the exact phrase used by God to describe his name to Moses at the burning bush...
The Blessed Virgin is full of surprises. After almost twenty years as a Catholic, I thought I knew the mysteries of the rosary. Beads or book in hand, I would walk the familiar path from the annunciation of the angel Gabriel, through the hill country to Bethlehem and...