6 Incredible Miracles Attributed to Saint Charbel

6 Incredible Miracles Attributed to Saint Charbel

There are over 26,000 miracles attributed to the intercession of Saint Charbel Makhlouf since his death in 1898. You could say he has a bit of a track record—and he’s not slowing down anytime soon. “We’re seeing more miracles in these past two years than...
Know St. Henry II? You Should—Here’s Why

Know St. Henry II? You Should—Here’s Why

It’s been a good week for the Benedictine family. Only a few days earlier, we celebrated the solemnity of our founder, St. Benedict of Nursia. This weekend we celebrate the feast day of another great Benedictine saint, St. Henry II, who is said to have been cured of a...
How to Beat the Summer Noon-Day Devil of Acedia

How to Beat the Summer Noon-Day Devil of Acedia

Summer is here, and it feels like it’s here to stay forever. When the heat index rises and humidity levels seem unbearable, you may have noticed your tendency to grow slack in your prayer life. Gone are the routines and rituals of Lent and Advent. It seems like...
8 Things You Need to Know About The Carmelite Martyrs

8 Things You Need to Know About The Carmelite Martyrs

Sacrifice is a central part of Catholicism. We offer personal struggles for various petitions. We fast and sacrifice things such as social media. Most importantly, every day we offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In the midst of the French Revolution and Reign of...