When you think about saints who championed the cause of the Catholic Church during the Protestant Reformation, what major players come to mind? Maybe you think of Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint John of the Cross, Saint Francis de Sales, or Saint Philip Neri. But one...
English Catholics were among the first to come to the New World when the British Colonies were developed, hoping to find freedom from the religious persecution they faced in their homeland. But so much of the early American Catholic history is forgotten, and...
To honor St. Josemaria Escriva, whose feast we celebrated this week, here are seven quotable quotes from the founder of Opus Dei. St. Josemaria Escriva died fairly recently, in 1975, so it may not be surprising that his spirituality and writings are especially...
As a friend and I were speaking the other day, he pulled out his phone to silence it. I happened to notice the wallpaper on his phone and thought I recognized it. “Hey, is that the Sacred Heart icon that Cardinal Burke commissioned as Bishop of Lacrosse?”...
You’ve probably heard of St. John the Baptist and Sts. Peter and Paul, and maybe even St. Josemaria Escriva, St. Irenaeus, or St. Cyril of Alexandria! But the Church boasts a calendar full of saints and feasts. Here are seven with feasts this week, you may never...
It’s summertime and living is easy. It’s a time for fun, excitement . . . and hitting as many theme parks as possible! And while you’re there, how about getting some evangelizing in? Yes, you can totally do that in more ways than one. Even if you don’t feel...