LGBT in the Catholic Church: Fact and Fiction

LGBT in the Catholic Church: Fact and Fiction

It is hard to not notice that June is now considered “Pride Month,” which in popular culture translates to a month long celebration of all that is LGBTQIA+. (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer/Questioning, Intersexual, Asexual, and Gender...
7 Saints Who Were Also Fantastically Fatherly

7 Saints Who Were Also Fantastically Fatherly

“Dad, sign my permission slip!” “Dad, can we stop for ice cream?” “Dad, my car is making a funny noise…” From priests to parents, fathers have always held a vital role in the Church. As Father’s Day draws near, this is a...
7 Summertime Opportunities to Grow in Virtue

7 Summertime Opportunities to Grow in Virtue

Fr. John Bartunek has written books for some of my favorite Catholic publishers such as Sophia Insitute Press and Servant Publications. He also wrote Summer Meditations which is appropriate for the season we’re in right now! Based on his book, here are seven...