On April 2nd, the world celebrated Autism Awareness Day. A Catholic priest, Fr. Matthew P. Schneider, LC told the social media world that he has Autism Spectrum Disorder. As a father to two sons with autism, my heart as my sons and other Catholics with autism have a...
From the greatest saints to the lowliest sinners, we will all go through a time of spiritual darkness. This is a period of time in our lives when we feel distanced from God. We feel like no one is listening, most importantly—that God isn’t listening. St. Theresa...
April 1- St. Hugh of Grenoble He was made bishop of Grenoble, France in 1080 and tried to majorly reform his diocese. However, discouraged, he retired to an abbey and became a Benedictine. April 2- St. Mary of Egypt A woman who lived...
Flannery O’Connor was a 20th century Catholic Southern writer of many short stories and novels, including A Good Man is Hard to Find, Everything That Rises Must Converge, Parker’s Back, The Displaced Person, and more. Her influence on modern fiction and her deep...
Parenting today comes with a lot of responsibility and an overwhelming amount of choices. Don’t believe me? Take a stroll down the baby aisle at your local grocery store and be prepared to be shocked by the sheer amount of diaper brands new parents can pick...
Mother Angelica was a revolutionary and trailblazer. At a time when the Church in America was beginning to flounder and lose its identity, she brought the faith and orthodoxy to millions. Mother Angelica was also a faithful, humble, cloistered sister. The founder of...