Pope Simulator is Almost Here

Pope Simulator is Almost Here

Want to kiss babies, bless the sick, and influence world politics and leaders? You’re going to get your chance soon, because Pope Simulator is almost here. That’s right. The white smoke is calling you to make a new papal name for the world to discover....
Worshiping God When You’re Confined to Your Home

Worshiping God When You’re Confined to Your Home

Many Catholics are being thrown for a loop right now as public Masses are canceled in their diocese. It’s painful to be taken away from something that for so long has been the fount of our faith. I suggest, however, that this is the perfect time to bring back our...
Benedict and Francis: Two Peas in a Pod

Benedict and Francis: Two Peas in a Pod

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Pope Francis are definitely very different men who approach the papacy very differently: that’s easy to see! But really, they’re also very similar and build off of each other in their ministry as successors of Peter. How? Let...
Catholic Women Warriors: This Book is Your Battle Cry

Catholic Women Warriors: This Book is Your Battle Cry

We all, men and women, are called by Jesus to fight the devil and bring all souls to God. We often forget, living in a world predominantly ruled by men (although that is changing), that God used women in a more profound and dramatic way throughout all of salvation...