Born in Spain to a devout Catholic family, Saint Josemaría Escrivá felt even as a young child that God was calling him to do great things.
He wasn’t wrong.
Josemaría went on to write numerous spiritual books (most famously The Way and Christ is Passing), and founded Opus Dei, an apostolate dedicated to finding holiness in everyday tasks.
The Catholic Church celebrates the life of Josemaría on June 26. You can celebrate this incredible saint in your own domestic church (and kitchen!) with Crema Catalana.
In Catalonia, this tasty treat is known as Crema de Sant Josep, and eaten on Saint Joseph’s feast day!
Here’s how to whip up a batch of Crema Catalana in your own kitchen to celebrate Josemaría Escrivá’s feast day. This will serve between four and six people:
Shopping list:
- 2 tablespoons cornstarch
- 2 1/4 cups whole milk
- 1 large slice of lemon peel
- 1 large slice of orange peel
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 4 large egg yolks
- 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons superfine or regular sugar
- Extra sugar for carmelizing
- Fresh fruit like sliced figs or strawberries for garnish (optional)
- Dissolve the cornstarch in a splash of water, and set aside. Pour the milk into a saucepan, and stir in the lemon and orange peels and the cinnamon stick. Heat over medium heat until it begins to boil, stirring constantly. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat to low.
- Next, using an electric mixer on medium speed, beat the egg yolks with the sugar until the mixture turns a pale yellow, about three minutes. Beat in the dissolved cornstarch and a spoonful of the hot milk. Remove the fruit peels and the cinnamon stick from the hot milk. Slowly stir in the egg and yolk mixture. Keep stirring, to prevent the yolks from scrambling, until the mixture thickens, about two minutes.
- Remove from the heat, and pour the mixture into traditional clay dishes or ramekins. Allow the Crema to cool, and then chill the Crema for about four hours or overnight.
- To serve, bring the custard to room temperature, and sprinkle the surface evenly with sugar. Caramelize the sugar under a broiler or with a small kitchen blowtorch. Top with fresh fruit, if desired.

If you want to celebrate more days from the liturgical calendar with delicious food, pick up a copy of Cooking with the Saints by Alexandra Greeley and Fernando Flores.
Inside, you’ll find recipes like traditional cottage pie for Saint Patrick’s Day, Basque lamb stew for Saint Ignatius of Loyola’s feast day, and Scottish shortbread to celebrate Saint Margaret.
These easy to follow recipes are accompanied with saint biographies and prayers! Get your copy today. Your dinner table will thank you!